Tuesday, May 11, 2010


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Jealousy is a natural occurance in the human mind. We all get jealous of something no matter what it is, or who it is, it just happens. The reasons of jealousy all depend on what we love and hate. "Jealous is a resentful envy as of someone's success, achievements, advantages, etc."-http://www.allaboutlifechallenges.org/what-is-jealousy-faq.htm

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Jealousy is a state of mind in which one cannot flee from, but can actually try to overcome or at least deal with an issue. Jealousy can be developed anywhere and everywhere, such as in relationships, personal belongings, wealth, and one can be jealous of anothers intelligence. It has sometimes been said that jealousy isn't a bad thing, but actually good. Like http://www.allaboutlifechallenges.org/what-is-jealousy-faq.htm says, it can be healthy in a relationship to make it stronger or where the each lover can learn more about each other.

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From personal experiences jealousy is good and bad in it's ways. I was able to learn that i should sometimes swallow my pride and let things be, while sometimes things get out of hand and something, and even someone breaks. One time I was jealous because someones name was just mentioned, I don't know why, but it did, and i hated it(being jealous). My anger took over me and yes something broke, from that point I was filled with stupidity and embarassement, a gut killing feeling was inside me. I had to apologize to the one i had scared, shown my anger to, i reacted too harsh, i made myself look like a brash little boy, but really i didnt mean to. I felt as if I betrayed my friend, sorrow is all i felt afterwards. Begging for fogiveness, wishing i hadnt done what i had done, but it did, and all I was able to compensate for that was a "sorry". Since we were the best of friends, she had forgiven me, and things became better, i was relieved and uplifted from my sorrowful hours. I guess you can say my life is like an example for the relationship type of jealousy. I did somethingstupid, i reacted dumb, but learned that i shouldnt even be jealous because the guy doesnt get to see her or touch her the way i do. So, in the end our relationship was stronger, and things were better.

1 comment:

  1. You have to tie this post to The Great Gatsby. Make sure to apply all posts to the text. Good pictures though. 65/75

    Ms. Donahue
